All Interactive Maps and Locations
All Flute Songs and How to Learn
Early into Animal Well you will likely obtain the Animal Flute. It is given in the Egg Room as a reward for finding 8 of the hidden Eggs found throughout the game. The flute has a ton of different uses, as you can find and play a variety of different songs, which have different effects. While the normal ending of Animal Well can be reached without it, it's necessary for reaching the true ending.
How to Use the Animal Flute
After equipping the Animal Flute, using the action button will lock you into place. Now instead of moving you control the direction the flute is pointed, which changes the notes being played. There are eight notes in total, based on the different directions you can point it.
For the purpose of this guide, below is the legend that will be used for listing out the songs.
Right: R
Left: L
Up: U
Down: D
Upper Right: UR
Upper Left: UL
Down Right: DR
Down Left: DL
All Songs
Fast Travel Room
The Fast Travel room song is: R, R, L, L, D, D, U, U
This song can be learned by mimicking the movements of a fish in the lower parts of the fast travel room. This song sends you directly to the fast travel room, where you can take the different fast travel pipes to different areas.
Flame Statue Room
This song teleports you to main central room where the boss flames are deposited during the game.
Flame Statue Room song: R, U, UR, U, D, L, DL, D
Top of the Well
The Top of the Well area can be found at the very bottom of the map and when you jump into it, you start dropping down the large elevator shaft like area in the upper middle part of the map. This is technically the final area in Animal Well and you can us this warp at any time, but you won't be able to skip and puzzles using it.
Top of the Well song: DR, UL, DR, UL, DR, UL, DR, UL
Fast Travel Room Secret Area
There is a second song that will take you to a hidden part of the fast travel room. The secret area is where you can obtain the UV Light, which will let you see secret messages in the environment. This tool is used to learn many of the end-game related songs.
Fast Travel Room Secret Area song: R, U, L, D, L, D, L, D
Bunny Statue Area
There is a secret area where you can find a Rabbit Figure, which is a special item that gets displayed in the House at the end of the game. It doesn't serve any gameplay purpose, but it's another thing you can collect if you want to. There are two songs for this, one that takes you to the area and one that takes you specifically to the chest containing the figure. To leave this area you must play the statue area song a second time, the other teleport songs don't work there.
Bunny Statue Song: DR, DL, D, L, UL, L, U, UL
Bunny Statue Chest Song: DR, R, DL, D, UR, U, L, UL
Caged Cat Songs
One of the optional puzzles in Animal Well is the Cat Cages, which can be found in the Yoyo area. For the full breakdown on how to find the songs and different Cat Cage locations, check out the full Free the Cats in Cages guide, but you an find the five songs below.
Cat Song 1: UL, UL, DL, DL, D
Cat Song 2: DR, L, UR, DR, R
Cat Song 3: R, UR, R, UL, D
Cat Song 4: DR, U, DR, DR, L
Cat Song 5: L, D, DL, DR, U
Egg Room Full Collection Song
After collecting all 64 Eggs, you can play a song in the Egg Room, which will open up a secret area where the Office Key can be found. The Office Key opens a special room in the House, leading to even more endgame puzzles.
To learn how to decipher the song for yourself check the bottom of this page, but here's the song in full.
Egg Room Full Collection song:
UL, D, R, D, UL, D, R, D, UL, DL
DR, DL, UL, DL, DR, DL, UR, L, D, L, UR, L
D, L, U, L, DR, L, U, L, DR, L, UL, D, R, D
UL, D, R, D, UL, DL, DR, DL, UL, DL, DR, DL, UL, UR
UL, DL, UR, U, L, D, U, UL, DL, L, U, UL, L, UL
How to Decipher Songs
There are multiple ways to find songs in Animal Well. Some are based on animals, like the fish teaching you the fast travel room song. Others have directional inputs on the walls, like the Cat Cage songs. Others need to be deciphered, but there are only two codes to keep track of.
The first is the faces, found on this wheel in a secret area near the House and the final boss arena. The different faces correlate with eight directions you can play music, but occasionally you will be given numbers as well. The numbers also relate to the eight notes, as shown in the above image.
The other cypher is related to the egg song puzzle, which can be played one you find all 64 eggs and collect the 65th egg from the Egg Room afterwards.
Using the UV Light on this area to the left of the Egg Room you can see mysterious lines that relate to the eight different directions.
Using the UV Light on the egg collections will show more lines, which can be used to figure out the 64 note long egg song.