All Interactive Maps and Locations
Nightlife Leak
This page of the guide will cover the mission 'Nightlife Leak' available within 'The Contract' update for GTA Online.
Nightlife Leak
The culmination of this specific mission chain involves you heading to the casino and stealing the music equipment from the promoter. After arriving at the casino and entering the garage, you'll head in the elevator up to the penthouse party, where you will need to head all the way to the back of the room where the turntables are. Interact and the promoter will run away, and a firefight will begin. With a respawn restriction of just two lives, it is recommended that you purchase body armor beforehand and use cover as much as possible. Though the objective is to give chase, there is no time limit or fail state, so take your time. Deal with the enemies and use the elevator to head down to the club. Eliminate all the hostiles there, go down the stairs and steal the backpack from the promoter. You can then return to the garage, grab a vehicle and escape back to the Agency to complete the mission.