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The AP Pistol is a fully automatic weapon designed to penetrate armor. test
The stats below are based on a scale of 0-4, with 4 being the maximum rating for that stat.
Damage - 1.2
Fire Rate - 3.2
Accuracy - 2.8
Range - 1.2
The AP Pistol has 8 upgrades available.
Ammo | 36 rounds | $25 |
Default Clip | 18 rounds | Default |
Extended Clip | 36 rounds | $412 |
Flashlight | Attaches an underbarrel light | $462 |
Suppressor | Silences weapon but lowers range and damage | $1,825 |
Black Tint | Tints weapon black | Default |
Army Tint | Tints weapon desert sand | $100 |
LSPD Tint | Tints weapon metallic blue | $600 |