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It was a year ago to the day that the famously-reclusive brothers, Sam and Dan, took to the stage at London's BAFTA Games Awards to accept a Fellowship Award presented by Hideo Kojima.
"Rockstar was founded [in Britain] with a mission statement that video games were the next mass-market entertainment medium, that they were uniquely interesting and powerful and that we as a company would serve two masters to prove this fact, combining the production values of movies with an obsession of gameplay above all else," Dan Houser said at the time. "Back in 1999, we began shouting this to whoever would listen. A few people laughed at us for our hubris, both in ourselves and in the medium. Most people simply ignored us."The most recent entry in the franchise, Grand Theft Auto V, saw a renewed surge of interest this week following the addition of much-anticipated Heists to its Online multiplayer portion.
GTA Online Heists is free to all GTA V players and is available now. IGN will be live streaming from GTA Online throughout the rest of the week; you can check out the schedule here. Luke Karmali is IGN's UK News Editor. You too can revel in mediocrity by following him on Twitter.