Throughout the week we'll be adding 10-second reviews for many of the newly-shipped books. All of the spotlight descriptions were written by IGN Comics Editor Hilary Goldstein, but the brief reviews are written by many. Here's a quick list of who's who:
- Hil - Hilary Goldstein
- RC - Robert Chang
- Priddy - Edward Priddy
Dark Horse
Conan Vol 1 Frost Giants Daughter & Other Stories HC - Preview Written by Kurt Busiek Art by Cary Nord IGN Comics is only in its second day, but I feel shamed that in the one day that's passed I didn't write about how great Busiek's Conan is. To make amends, let me be quite clear right now. If you pick up the first trade of Conan, which contains issues 1-6, you won't be sorry. If you've checked the Preview, you already know that Cary Nord's art is as good as it gets for the Barbarian. This isn't some Schwarzenegger joint, this is the real deal, Conan as Robert E. Howard wrote him -- Bad ass. 192 pgs, $24.95 |
Conan Vol 1 Frost Giants Daughter & Stories TP - $15.95
Spyboy Final Exam TP - $12.95
Star Wars General Grievous #1 (of 4) - $2.99 Preview 10-Second Review: Grevious isn't the focus of his own title. Instead, it's a few rebel Jedi out to assassinate the General. A surprisingly good tale that showcases the difficulties of being moral. - Hil |
Star Wars Visionaries TP - Preview Written by Various Art by Various A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, George Lucas built an empire on the dreams of millions of geeks. As we near the conclusion of the second leg of the Star Wars saga, it's time to reflect on the years we've all wasted on a space opera featuring a whiny farm boy, a whiny princess, a whiny scoundrel and a whiny gorilla. Actually, Visionaries isn't your typical pre-movie flotsam. These are Star Wars tales from those who worked on Episode III and having flipped through the book, it certainly looks promising. Expect a full review later in the week. 136 pgs, $17.95 Read the complete review. |
Tony Millionaire Sock Monkey HC That Darn Yarn - $7.95
Battle of the Planets: Princess #5 (of 6) - $2.99
Darkness Vol 3 Sins of the Past TP - $24.95
Freedom Force #3 (of 6) - $2.95
Humankind Reader Set - $11.99
Humankind Reader Set Signed - $19.99
Invincible #21 Written by Robert Kirkman Art by Ryan Ottley What's a kid to do when he discovers his super hero dad wasn't so much of a hero? Make out with a hot chick, of course. Mark and Amber start getting hot and heavy, but how might superpowers inhibit someone's sex life? Plus, Mark blows his cover (again). 32 pgs, $2.95 10-Second Review: Numerous subplots move forward as Invincible takes on the successor to Darkwing. Easily the best superhero book on the stands. If you're not picking it up, you should be. - Priddy |
Lions Tigers & Bears #2 (of 4) - $2.90
Lullaby Wisdom Seeker #1 (of 4) - $2.95
Noble Causes #8 - $3.50
PVP #15 Written and Drawn by Scott Kurtz If reading the regular strip isn't enough for you, the paper version is up for grabs. This issue features two different stories. In the first, Francis and the gang set out to make the greatest fan film of all time. Batman, the X-Men and Worf taking on Stormtroopers while attempting to rescue Indiana Jones? Brilliant. As for the other story, look forward to cross-dressing, slow dancing and some smooching. What more do you need to know? 32 pgs, $2.95 10-Second Review: PVP is funny, Knights of the Dinner Table funny. If you're a geek (and if you're reading this, you are), then you'll identify with at least one of these archetypal characters. - Hil |
Ultra #8 (of 8) - $2.95 10-Second Review: The Luna Brothers wrap up their mini exploring superheroes and celebrity. As with the rest of the mini, this issue is more about relationships than superpowers. A good ending to the story, but new readers will be lost. - RC |
Dark Horse | DC | Marvel | Small Press | Magazines |
100% TP Written and Drawn by Paul Pope Paul Pope is an acquired taste, but like an Appletini, everybody should take a sip at least once in their lifetime. This is one of Pope's most cohesive works and is the most likely to appeal to a wide audience. The trade collects all five issues of 100%, a tale of Manhattan life in 2038. Sex, drugs and rock-n-roll? Yeah, it's something like that. Call it pop-urban noir with a lemon twist. 256 pgs, $24.99 |
Adventures of Superman #638 - $2.50 10-Second Review: Mxy is always a fun character to read (if not a fun name to spell), but this one-shot story is just okay. There are some hints about Supes future and the storytelling technique isn't bad. But not a must-have unless you're a Supes die-hard.- Hil |
Angeltown #5 (of 5) - $2.99
Batman Black White Series Mini Statue Risso - $45.00
Batman Strikes #7 - $2.25
Birds Of Prey #80 - $2.50
Catwoman #41 - $2.50 10-Second Review: Someone on Gotham's East Side is killing prostitutes, and it seems to be connected to underground dog fighting. Not a bad start to a two issue fill in until Will Pheifer and Pete Woods take over. - Priddy |
Elfquest Archives Vol 2 HC - $49.95
Ex Machina #9 Written by Brian K. Vaughan Art by Tony Harris The "Tag" storyline hits its peak as the subway terror's identity is revealed. Mayor Hundred, meanwhile, is a little pre-occupied with protestors wanting him swing from a tree (and not in a good way). Can Hundred escape the mob and put a stop to the paranormal presence haunting the New York subways? This is the penultimate chapter, so expect it all to end in some sort of jarring cliffhanger to be resolved with Ex Machina #10. 32 pgs, $2.99 10-Second Review: A strong issue in a great series. Event seem to be moving at a breakneck pace but it doesn't feel rushed. New readers will find this issue fairly accessible. Those following the series won't want to miss it. - RC |
Green Lantern Series 1 Black Hand Action Figure
Green Lantern Series 1 Hal Jordan Action Figure
Green Lantern Series 1 Inner Case
Green Lantern Series 1 Kilowog Action Figure
Green Lantern Series 1 Parallax Action Figure
Human Race #1 (of 7) - $2.99
Human Target #20 - $2.99
JLA #112 - $2.25
Lucifer #60 - $2.50
Manhunter #8 - $2.50
Miss: Better Living Through Crime TP - $19.99
Nikolai Dante The Great Game TP - $17.99
Plastic Man #15 - $2.99
Powerpuff Girls #60 - $2.25
Question #5 (of 6) Written by Rick Veitch Art by Tommy Lee Edwards The Question makes like Batman in Metropolis, ferreting out the murderers and drug dealers of the underground. The mystery of the Science Spire is about to be revealed, but the Man of Steel is nowhere to be found. Can the hero without a face save Metropolis? Who knows, but I'll leave you with this chilling thought. Vic Cage left his last city of residence in ruin, choosing to simply give the city up as lost. So, he doesn't exactly hav the best track record for these kind of things. 32 pgs, $2.99 10-Second Review: The Question definitely isn't for everyone. A spiritual detective comic, this is Batman with emotion (and no face). The penultimate issue is good, but shows this mini is going on a bit too long. Hopefully the final ish will kick some ass. - Hil |
Space Ghost #5 (of 6) - $2.99
Starman Vol 10: Sons Of The Father TP Written by James Robinson Art by Peter Snejbjerg Collecting the final six issues of the Starman series, Sons of the Father features everything you need in a comic. There's a baby, Superman, a long talk with a dead brother and time-travel. Robinson saved the best for last! If you've come this far, it would be stupid not to finish the journey. If you haven't tried Starman, I'd say you may want to hit up the first trade rather than flipping to the end. 160 pgs, $14.99 |
Teen Titans #22 - $2.50 10-Second Review: The Teen Titans get their butts whipped by Dr. Light as revenge for what happened in the pages of Identity Crisis. Mike McKone will be sorely missed when he moves to the FF. - Priddy |
Wild Girl #5 (of 6) - $2.99
Wonder Woman #214 Written by Greg Rucka Art by Ray Snyder The second half of the "Truth of Dare" storyline that kicked off in Flash #219 sees the Scarlet Speedster teaming up with Blind Justice (err, Wonder Woman) to take out Cheetah and Zoom. The first ish of this two-parter had the Flash telling Wonder W she was hot. What truths might the conclusion bring? 32 pgs, $2.25 10-Second Review: Ever read a comic, find it somewhat enjoyable, but come away going, "So f------ what?" There's your $2.25. - Hil |
Dark Horse | DC | Marvel | Small Press | Magazines |
Cover Gallery
Black Panther #1 Limited Edition Variant - $2.99
Black Panther #2 - Preview Written by Reginald Hudlin Art by John Romita Jr. The first arc of Hudlin's promising Black Panther run is here. The question of the moment is, "Whos is the Black Panther?" The answer is actually literal in this issue. As a team of mercs are set to assault Wakanda, a battle rages inside the city to determine who will take up the mantle of the Black Panther. I've got my money on T'Challa -- unless this is about to become true revisionist Marvel history. 32 pgs, $2.99 10-Second Review: I'd be fuming mad that Priest's great work has been tosses aside, but Hudlin's doing just too fine of a job for me to complain. The origins of the Black Panther continues and it's better than issue #1! - Hil |
Cable Deadpool #13 - $2.99
Captain America #4 - Preview Written by Ed Brubaker Art by Steve Epting This book should be purchased just for the cover art alone. Why does Cap appear so sullen? Perhaps it's because he's doubting his own memories, or because he's doubting the nature of his lifelong conflict with the Red Skull? Is his past a lie? The mystery of the Skull's murder deepens and it looks like Cap may never be the same once it's all over. 32 pgs, $2.99 10-Second Review: How good is Cap? All I have to say is, whatever Marvel paid to get Brubaker exclusively, it was worth it. - Hil |
Exiles #61 - $2.99
Fantastic Four Foes #3 (of 6) - $2.99
Incredible Hulk #79 - $ 2.99 10-Second Review: Fin Fang Foom is back, but more importantly, this is the first Hulk issue since David's return that's actually a great read from start to finish. The mystery of the island is partially revealed and things make a bit more sense. - Hil |
Marvel Knights 4 #16 - $2.99 Preview
Marvel Masterworks Fantastic Four Vol 8 HC Var Dust Jacket - $54.99
Marvel Masterworks Fantastic Four Vol 8 New Ed HC - $49.99
Spider-Man Unlimited #8 - $2.99
Stormbreaker Saga Of Beta Ray Bill #3 (of 6) - $2.99
Ultimate Galactus Vol 1 Nightmare TP - $12.99
Ultimate Spider-Man #74 - $2.25 10-Second Review: Ultimate S is always best when Peter's life is turned to total crap. That's what makes this issue the best in a good five or six months as the stage is set for a major battle for special issue #75. - Hil |
Ultimate X-Men #57 Written by Brian K. Vaughan Art by Stuart Immonen "The Most Dangerous Game" arc comes to a close as the X-Men battle Mojo in the heart of Krakoa -- yes, that Krakoa! Will Longshot be saved? Is Longshot even worth saving? I mean, shouldn't his luck be busy saving his ass? Who lives, who dies, who gets the sweet pin-up shot? There's only one way to find out! 32 pgs, $2.25 10-Second Review: BKV is usually solid, but the "twist" ending had me chucking this one across the room. What started well ends in a sputter. - Hil |
Ultimates 2 #4 - Preview Written by Bryan Hitch Art by Mark Millar The best Ultimate book just keeps getting better. Not only does this issue feature Captain Britain, but more importantly, it spotlights the Ultimates battle with one of their own -- Thor, the God of Thunder! What's an Asgardian to do when his own teammates think he's a but-job? I'm guessing he'll whip out the hammer and do some damage. 32 pgs, $2.99 10-Second Review: Captain America, meet Captain France. 'Nuff said -- this issue continues to rock it. This is either building to a brilliant conclusion or an utter disaster, but so far it's a great ride. - Hil |
Uncanny X-Men #457 - $2.25 10-Second Review: Something is amiss in the Savage Land and it involves a new evolved race of dinosaurs with mutant powers. This is classic fun X-men with absolutely great art by Alan Davis. - Priddy |
Wolverine #26 - $2.25 Preview 10-Second Review: Imagine Wolverine is a dartboard. Mark Millar just threw 100 darts his way. Each issue I expect this comic to suddenly suck, but each issue it gets better. - Hil |
Wolverine Silvestri Variant Cover #26 - $2.25
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse #3 (of 6) - $2.99 10-Second Review: No wonder Marvel isn't hyping this up as much as expected. This series does a horrendous job of cluing in people who didn't re-read the original AOA a month ago. Instead of a special story, this is an especially mediocre tale.- Hil |
Young Avengers #1 Directors Cut - $3.99
Young Avengers #2 - $2.99 10-Second Review: I was worried after the first issue, but this month's book is much better. Things are getting interesting, the writing is a little tighter and there's even a pleasant surprise at the end.- Hil |
Dark Horse | DC | Marvel | Small Press | Magazines |
Small Press
100 Girls #4 - $2.95
Aftermath Blade Of Kumori #4 - $2.95
Aspen Seasons Spring 2005 #1 - $2.99
Battle Royale Vol 12 GN (of 13) - $9.99
Best of the West #48 - $6.95
Betty & Veronica #207 - $2.19
Betty & Veronica Digest #155 - $2.39
Bigfoot #2 (of 4) - $3.99
Brian Pulidos Lady Death Swimsuit 2005 - $3.99
Brian Pulidos Lady Death Swimsuit Battle Babes Cvr 2005 - $5.99
Brian Pulidos Lady Death Swimsuit Gold Foil Cvr 2005 - $5.99
Brian Pulidos Lady Death Swimsuit Graveyard Cvr 2005 - $5.99
Brian Pulidos Lady Death Swimsuit Leather Cvr 2005 - $24.99
Brian Pulidos Lady Death Swimsuit Premium Cvr 2005 - $9.99
Brian Pulidos Lady Death Swimsuit Wraparound Cvr 2005 - $3.99
Brian Pulidos Unholy #2 - $3.50
Brian Pulidos Unholy Adrian Cvr #2 - $3.50
Brian Pulidos Unholy Premium Ed #2 - $9.99
Brian Pulidos Unholy Wraparound Cvr #2 - $3.50
Cardcaptor Sakura Vol 5 GN New Ptg - $9.99
Crazy Love Story Vol 3 GN (of 5) - $9.99
CSI Dominos TP - $19.99
CVO Covert Vampiric Operations Rogue State #5 (of 5) - $3.99
D3 Shades Of Blue Vol 1 TP - $10.95
DF Avengers 9.8 Cgc Graded #1
DF Young Avengers #1 Sgn - $19.99
DF Hunter Killer Alt Cvr #1 - $6.99
Dick Ayers Story Illustrated Autobiography Vol 1 GN - $17.95
Digital Webbing Presents #21 - $3.50
Doll Vol 4 GN (of 6) - $9.99
Donald Duck and Friends #326 - $2.95
Dorothy #2 - $5.00
Dr. Radium Vol 3 TP - $11.95
Dream Saga Vol 4 GN (of 5) - $9.99
Eternity Vol 4 GN (of 5) - $9.99
Fathom #0 - $2.50
Frankenstein Now And Forever GN - $19.95
Fullmetal Alchemist Manga #4 - $7.99
Fullmetal Alchemist Manga #5 - $7.99
Fullmetal Alchemist Manga #6 - $7.99
Gi Joe Master & Apprentice Vol II Brase Cvr B #2 - $2.95
Gi Joe Master & Apprentice Vol II Udon Cvr A #2 - $2.95
Gunnm Last Order Manga #5 - $12.99
Gunnm Last Order Manga #6 - $12.99
Heavy Metal Live Vol 4 Photo of Julie Strain Nude SC Sgn - $11.95
Hopeless Savages B-Sides All Flashback Sp One Shot - $2.99
Hyper Rune Vol 3 GN (of 4) - $9.99
I Hunt Monsters Vol 2 #3 - $2.99
Immortal Rain Vol 5 GN (of 5) - $9.99
Initial D Vol 17 Gn (of 26) - $9.99
Jack Spade & Tony Two Fist #1 - $3.00
Jugheads Double Digest #111 - $3.59
King Of Hell GN Vol 9 - $9.99
Lizzie Mcguire Cinemanga Vol 11 GN - $7.99
Love & Rockets Vol 2 #13 - $4.50
Mickey Mouse And Friends #275 - $2.95
Next Exit #3 - $2.95
One Vol 7 GN (of 11) - $9.99
Owly Vol 2: Just A Little Blue TP Written and Drawn by Andy Runton In the spirit of other non-speaking adorable comic book animals such as Gon, Owly is a sweet little owl who's more than a tad lonely. This all-ages book features all-new adventures for the expressive (if mute) owly as he seeks out new friends. Okay, okay, so it sounds cheesy, but this is a great respite from the tights and flights books crowding the marketplace. Kids love it, mothers approve and adults with a little humility find it a fun read. Owly power activate! 120 pgs, $10.00 |
Panzer 1946 #5 - $5.95
Planet Blood Vol 2 GN - $9.99
Poison Elves Dark Wars Vol 1 Heavens Devils TP - $15.95
Poison Elves Hyena #4 (of 4) - $2.95
Rahxephon Vol 3 GN - $9.95
Rave Master Vol 14 GN (of 28) - $9.99
Rebirth Vol 13 GN (of 18) - $9.99
Rebound Vol 13 GN (of 18) - $9.99
Remote Vol 5 GN (of 6) - $9.99
Sabrina Vol 2 #65 - $2.19
Scarygirl GN - $15.95
Sex Squad Nude Cvr #2 (Adult) - $3.75
Shaolin Cowboy #2 - Preview By Geoff Darrow and the Wachowski Brothers Here's all you need to know: Old Cowboy is really a deadly Shaolin martial artist. He kills scores of bad guys and it all looks phenomenal thanks to Geoff Darrow's highly-detailed art. Check the preview to see murder and ass crack all in a beautiful two-page spread. 32 pgs, $3.50 |
Shaolin Cowboy Alt Cvr #2 - $3.50
Shonen Jump Vol 3 Apr 2005 #4 - $4.99
Shooting Star Comics Anthology #6 - $4.95
Simpsons Comics #104 - $2.99
Soul To Seoul Vol 2 GN (of 5) - $9.99
Spongebob Squarepants Cinemanga Vol 7 GN (of 12) - $7.99
Stan Lee's Alexa Vol 1 GN - $6.95
Students Of The Unusual #4 - $3.50
Superfist Ayumi #3 (Adult) - $3.95
Symbiotes #4 (of 8) - $2.95
Tezukas Buddha Vol 5 Deer Park HC - $24.95
That's So Raven Cinemanga Vol 3 GN - $7.99
Transformers Universe #2 Convention Ed - $19.99
Transformers Universe #2 Fan Club Ed - $24.99
Traveler Of The Moon Vol 1 GN (of 3) - $9.95
Udon Darkstalkers Alvin Lee Cvr A #4 - $2.95
Udon Darkstalkers Joe Vriens Cvr B #4 - $2.95
Visitor Vol 1 GN - $9.99
Dark Horse | DC | Marvel | Small Press | Magazines |
Toyfare Galactus Cvr #93 - $4.99
Toyfare New Star Wars Toys Cvr #93 - $4.99
Toyfare Sin City Toys Cvr #93 - $4.99
Animage Feb 2005 - $11.99
Animedia Feb 2005 - $8.99
Back Issue #9 - $5.95
Comic Shop News #926
Dengeki Gs Mag Feb 2005 - $12.99
Dengeki Hobby Feb 2005 - $16.99
Dengeki Hobby Mar 2005 - $18.99
Dreamwatch Usa #6 - $6.99
Figure King Encyclopedia #84 - $18.99
Giant Robot #36 - $4.95
Goth Loli #4 - $18.99
Hobby Japan Mar 2005 - $12.99
Hustler Barely Legal My0557 (Adult) - $7.99
Kaiyodo Off Super Catalogue #2 - $29.99
Maxim Presents Blender Apr05 - $3.99
Megami Mag Feb 2005 - $14.99
Model Graphix Mar 2005 - $15.99
Newtype Feb 2005 - $10.99
Newtype The Live Mar 2005 - $14.99
Official Xbox Magazine With CD Apr05 - $9.99
Playset Magazine Mar Apr 2005 #20 - $6.95
Quanto Mag Feb 2005 - $9.99
Scary Monsters 2005 Yearbook Monster Memories #13 - $7.95
Signs & Portents Mar 05 Vol 20 - $5.95
Smallville Magazine #7 Newsstand Ed - $5.99
Smallville Magazine #7 PX - $5.99
Dark Horse | DC | Marvel | Small Press | Magazines |
Check the Shopping List throughout the week for more 10-second reviews. What were your favorite or least favorite comics this week? Write in and let us know.