All Interactive Maps and Locations
Fire Mountain
Fire Mountain
Items: Power Bracelets
Spotting this active volcano is easy. Smoke hangs over the small rock island and molten lava constantly flows into the surrounding waters. Doesn't look very hospitable, does it?
Equip your Bow?and switch to the Ice Arrows?by pressing the R button. Shoot an arrow right over the tip of the volcano to freeze the erupting lava. This will stop the fiery flow and let you safely climb the mountain.
And that's what you have to do. Climb the mountain by following the spiraling path to the right. When you get to the split shown in the picture, hang right. Climb up until you're on top and jump into the crater.
Once inside, you only have very little time to complete your mission. Turn right (you can't blow up that rock blocking the passage) and make your way over the lava stone platforms. Use your Boomerang?to bring down the flaming bats one by one (don't get burned or you have to start over), then defeat the two fire Magtails at the end. Remember to wait until they open their mandibles, then strike. The Hammer?also works very well on these guys. As soon as they're gone, a treasure chest will appear.
Inside, you will find the Power Bracelets. This power-up enables you to lift even the heaviest objects, including that stone head next to you -- and very fat pigs. Pick up the stone head and break it by dropping it and walk through the opening.
Defeat the bats and step into the light to exit Fire Mountain. The raging fires have subsided and the island is now just another dead rock in the vast ocean. Unmoved by the volcano's sad fate, you set sail for Ice Mountain. Course: south -- and slightly to the west.
Video Walkthrough