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This page contains the default list of controls for Elden Ring.
Elden Ring Controls
- LT/L2 - Skill
- LB/L1 - Guard (LH Armament)
- RT/R2 - Strong Attack (RH & 2H Armament)
- RB/R1 - Attack (RH & 2H Armament)
- Left Stick - Movement
- Left Stick (Click)/L3 - Crouch / Stand Up
- D-Pad (Up) - Switch Sorcery/Incantation
- D-Pad (Left) - Switch Left-Hand Armament
- D-Pad (Right) - Switch Right-Hand Armament
- D-Pad (Down) - Switch Item
- Y/Triangle - Event Action (Examine, Open, etc.)
- X/Square - Use Item
- B/Circle - Backstep, Dodge Roll, Dash
- A/Cross - Jump
- Right Stick - Move Camera / Change Target
- Right Stick (Click)/R3 - Reset Camera, Lock-On/Remove Target
- View Button (Xbox) / Touchpad (PlayStation) - Map
- Menu Button (Xbox) / Options (PlayStation) - Main Menu