I do not think this would be a fun game to play for the first time alongside modern games, but I am pretty sure I've had this installed on every PC I've owned since it came out. The mod community for this game is insanely talented, and the layers of story are so good that I am still going back to putter around in that world some 20 odd years later. Definitely mechanically clunky, and the lack of integrated fast travel and UI conveniences make it pretty rough, but god I love that strange polygonal world.
A masterpiece. My first Bethesda game and true introduction to western style RPGs. Put in houndreds of hours on many different characters doing every quest and trying to experience/see every small detail this game had to offer.
Archaic but fun, Morrowind is a fully featured Bethesda style RPG with hundreds of hours of gameplay. Too bad so much of that is spent sitting through repeat text boxes from every NPC and laboring through missed sword swings. Cliff racers are awful too. But there are beautiful moments in the game, and character creation and depth is a*****l time high. Recommended for Elder Scrolls fans and ******** RPG fans only.