Metal Gear 2 is a massive improvement on Metal Gear. The gameplay had been greatly improved with better AI and with the inclusion of the radar system, which helps make the stealth feel much better.
Furthermore, the change to how the different screens work helps it feel more cohesive, as in the first game, it would reset all the enemies and items if you went to a different screen.
However, in this game, the AI can travel between screens, and all of the enemies and items will be saved and will only be reset when you go to a completely different area, like outside of the buildings or to a different floor.
Sorry for the rant. The story and characters in this game are much more fleshed out, and it's much more interesting. It also tries to tackle more complex ideas about war and mercenaries.
The art is also a huge improvement, especially in the re-releases, with the improved character art for all the characters. The environmental art is also much better and makes it more appealing.
The level design is another thing that might even be the most improved as the new Zanzibar Land area is much more cohesive and easier to follow and traverse.
Overall, this game is just an improvement on the first one in every aspect, and not just a small improvement. This game improved massively on the formula that was created in Metal Gear.
If I was recommending someone to play the Metal Gear series, I could tell them to skip Metal Gear, but they would have to play Metal Gear 2. This game is basically where it all started. All of the improved features that would go on to be the foundation for the rest of the series. Also, the boss survival mode is pretty good.
Was fine. But better