"We understand the important role gaming is playing right now to connect people and provide joy in these isolating and stressful times, and our teams are working diligently to ensure we can be there for our players," said Xbox head Phil Spencer."I believe gaming has a unique power to bring people together, to entertain, to inspire and connect us, and I believe that’s even more true under these unique circumstances. Many are looking to gaming to remain connected with their friends while practicing social distancing, and we are seeing an unprecedented demand for gaming from our customers right now."
There is no doubt that people stuck at home have turned to gaming to help pass the time, as Steam recently broke its record for concurrent users. With more and more movies and TV shows being delayed due to the coronavirus, more people will likely be turning to video games to help pass the time.
If that's you, we've put together a list of the best games to play while you're stuck at home. Andrew Smith is a freelance contributor with IGN. Follow him on Twitter @_andrewtsmith.