Animal Crossing: City Folk for Nintendo Wii How to get a money tree (and other tips for bells) by jeepjeepimabeep Having trouble earning Bells? Follow this guide to get 90,000 Bells in four days (not counting time travel) 1. Buy a regular shovel. You should know where to find it. 2. Bury the shovel. Basically, follow the rules for getting the golden shovel. 3. Get out 10,000 Bells. If you dont have that, just fish and dig till you get it. (Note: this will work with small amounts, just not as well) 4. Dig a hole. Note that it can be the Silver or Regular shovel, like above, it just wont work as well. Golden shovels sprout trees that have three 30,000 bell bags. 5.Plant the money. A sproutling will pop up. You should water it after that. 6. Take care of it for four days. 7. ??????? 8. PROFIT! (Litteraly) This took care of my last part of debt. In 4 days with 30,000 in the ground you can pay off most debt!