The twenty million number includes the first Gundam title, Mobile Suit Gundam: Z Gundam Hot Scramble, released for the Japanese NES on 2/19/1986, the most recent Gundam title, SD Gundam G Generation Seed, released for the Japanese PS2 a few weeks back, and everything in between. In all, Bandai has released 117 Gundam titles across a variety of platforms. Even the loser platforms like the Wonderswan have gotten Gundam games.
To mark the sales achievement, and to hype up the Japanese release of the new GameCube Gundam game on the 18th of this month, Bandai will be producing a limited edition Famicom Mini version of the original Gundam title, Z Gundam Hot Scramble. This item will be given away via a drawing held at the GameCube title's officialwebsite.
Famicom Mini games, in case you haven't been tuning in to IGN, are specially packaged Game Boy Advance rereleases of classic NES games. So far, Nintendo has produced 10 titles in the series, and although plans have not yet been confirmed for the release of additional titles, many a fan would certainly like to see this happen.
If you live in Japan and have a bit of "en" with you, you may be able to complete your collection with the 11th entry in the series.